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- ACTION_REQUIRED - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Action Required message severity level used to push messages that require user action On frontend UI, it will block current screen and there will be a button to acknowledge the message
- addConditions(List<QueryCondition>) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
- ALL_COLUMNS - tech.muyan.enums.DomainObjectRenderType
Fetch all columns of the object.
- AsyncHelper - Class in tech.muyan.utils
- AsyncHelper() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
- batchCreate(Class<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Batch create domain objects of the specified class.
- batchCreate(String, List<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Batch create domain objects of the specified domain name.
- BeanContainer - Class in tech.muyan.utils
Bean container that can be used to get bean instances.
- BeanContainer() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.BeanContainer
- broadcast(Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- buildDomain(String) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Build a domain object with the given domainName.
- buildDomain(String, Object) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Build a domain object with the given domainName and properties.
- clone(T, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DomainDataCloneService
Clone the source object.
- count(Class<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
- count(String) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
- createDomain(Object) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Create a domain object with the given requestData.
- createStorageFileDomain(String, String, InputStream) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.StorageUtils
Creates a StorageFieldValue object representing a file in the system.
- deleteDomain(Object) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Delete a domain object with the given requestData.
- DomainClassEntityHelper - Class in tech.muyan.utils
- DomainClassEntityHelper() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.DomainClassEntityHelper
- DomainDataCloneService - Interface in tech.muyan.api
Service interface for cloning domain data objects.
- DomainHelper - Class in tech.muyan.utils
Helper class for domain operations.
- DomainHelper() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
- DomainObjectRenderType - Enum in tech.muyan.enums
- DynamicConfigService - Interface in tech.muyan.api
A service for getting DynamicConfig values.
- DynamicDomainEntity - Interface in tech.muyan.api
Domain entity that can be dynamically created.
- DynamicFunctionService - Interface in tech.muyan.api
- DynamicLogic - Interface in tech.muyan.domain
Dynamic logic that can be invoked.
- DynamicTemplateAttribute - Interface in tech.muyan.domain
- eq(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds an equality condition to the query.
- ERROR - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Error message severity level
- ge(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a greater than or equal to condition to the query.
- get() - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Executes the query and returns a single result.
- getAll(Class<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves all entities for the specified class.
- getAll(String) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves all entities for the specified domain.
- getAttachmentByKey(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicConfigService
- getBean(Class<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.BeanContainer
根据 bean 名称获取 bean 实例
- getBeansOfType(Class<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.BeanContainer
Retrieves a collection of beans by their class type.
- getById(Class<T>, Long) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves an entity by its ID for the specified class.
- getById(String, Long) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves an entity by its ID for the specified domain.
- getByIds(Class<T>, List<Long>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves a list of entities by their IDs for the specified class.
- getByIds(String, List<Long>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Retrieves a list of entities by their IDs for the specified domain.
- getByKey(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicConfigService
Get the value of the DynamicConfig with key.
- getByKeyOrDefault(String, String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicConfigService
Get the value of the DynamicConfig with key or the default value if the key does not exist.
- getByteBuffer() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.StorageFieldValue
- getContent() - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Gets the content of the notification.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getDirectAccessUrl() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.StorageFieldValue
url will be like "/attachment/direct/cfaee57e-b970-477d-8cf1-604150171bc4.png", please notice that this could be wrong url if it passed to frontend directly since the backend service would be something like "http://localhost:8080", you should prepend it to the direct access url to make it a complete url.
- getDisplaySequence() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getEditable() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getExtInfo() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getId() - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicDomainEntity
Get the id of the entity.
- getLabel() - Method in enum tech.muyan.enums.DomainObjectRenderType
Returns the label of the render type.
- getName() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicLogic
Get the name of the dynamic logic.
- getName() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getNullable() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getOptions() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getSeverity() - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Gets the severity level of the notification.
- getTopic() - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- getTotalCount() - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.PaginationQueryResult
Get the total count of the query result.
- getToUserName() - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Gets the username of the notification recipient.
- getUniqueKey() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- getUsername() - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.User
- gt(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a greater than condition to the query.
- iLike(String, String) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a case-insensitive like condition to the query.
- IMPORTANT - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Important message severity level
- in(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds an "in" condition to the query.
- INFO - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Informational message severity level
- Inject - Annotation Type in tech.muyan.api.annotations
- INTERNAL - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Internal message severity level used for system information exchange, not actually pushed to users
- invoke(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicFunctionService
- invoke(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicLogic
Invoke the dynamic logic with the given parameters.
- isNull(String) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds an "is null" condition to the query.
- JasperReportService - Interface in tech.muyan.api
- le(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a less than or equal to condition to the query.
- list(int, int) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Executes the query and returns a paginated result.
- list(int, int, List<String>) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Executes the query and returns a paginated result with ordering.
- list(int, int, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Executes the query and returns a paginated result with ordering and sort direction.
- listAll() - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Executes the query and returns all results.
- lt(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a less than condition to the query.
- map(Class<?>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainClassEntityHelper
- MessageHelper - Class in tech.muyan.utils
A utility class for handling message-related operations.
- MessageHelper() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.MessageHelper
- MessageSeverity - Enum in tech.muyan.enums
Enum representing the severity levels of messages.
- MuyanPlatformComponent - Interface in tech.muyan.api
A component that can be loaded and unloaded within the Muyan Low Code Development Platform.
- MuyanWebSocketComponent - Class in tech.muyan.api.websocket
- MuyanWebSocketComponent() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- ne(String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a non-equality condition to the query.
- newForkJoinPool(int) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
- Notification - Class in tech.muyan.domain
Represents a notification in the system.
- Notification() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
- notILike(String, String) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a case-insensitive not like condition to the query.
- notIn(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a "not in" condition to the query.
- notNull(String) - Method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Adds a "not null" condition to the query.
- of(Class<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Creates a new query for the specified class.
- of(Class<T>, boolean) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Creates a new query for the specified class with the specified logical operator.
- of(String) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
Creates a new query for the specified domain.
- offLoad() - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.MuyanPlatformComponent
Invoked when the Muyan Low Code Development Platform unloads the plugin containing this component.
- offLoad() - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- onClose(String) - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- onLoad() - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.MuyanPlatformComponent
Invoked when the Muyan Low Code Development Platform loads the plugin containing this component.
- onLoad() - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- ONLY_LABEL_FIELD - tech.muyan.enums.DomainObjectRenderType
Only fetch the label field to display on the UI.
- onMessage(String, String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- PaginationQueryResult<T> - Interface in tech.muyan.api
A query result that supports pagination.
- persist(InputStream) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.StorageFieldValueService
- persist(InputStream, String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.StorageFieldValueService
- persist(InputStream, String, String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.StorageFieldValueService
- persist(InputStream, String, String, Long) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.StorageFieldValueService
- pushMessage(String, String, Object) - Method in class tech.muyan.api.websocket.MuyanWebSocketComponent
- pushNotification(Notification) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.MessageHelper
Pushes a notification to the platform.
- QueryCondition - Interface in tech.muyan.api.query
- QueryHelper - Class in tech.muyan.utils
A utility class that provides methods for executing database queries using Groovy's Sql class.
- QueryHelper() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.QueryHelper
- render(Object, DomainObjectRenderType) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Render the domain object with the given renderType.
- render(String, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.JasperReportService
- scheduleAtFixRate(long, Runnable) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
- scheduleAtFixRate(long, Runnable, boolean) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
- setContent(String) - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Sets the content of the notification.
- setDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setDisplaySequence(Integer) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setEditable(Boolean) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setExtInfo(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setId(Long) - Method in interface tech.muyan.api.DynamicDomainEntity
Set the id of the entity.
- setName(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setNullable(Boolean) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setOptions(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- setSeverity(MessageSeverity) - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Sets the severity level of the notification.
- setToUserName(String) - Method in class tech.muyan.domain.Notification
Sets the username of the notification recipient.
- setUniqueKey(String) - Method in interface tech.muyan.domain.DynamicTemplateAttribute
- SimpleQuery<T> - Class in tech.muyan.utils
A simple query class for performing database queries.
- SimpleQuery() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.SimpleQuery
- StorageFieldValue - Interface in tech.muyan.domain
- StorageFieldValueService - Interface in tech.muyan.api
- StorageUtils - Class in tech.muyan.utils
Utility class for attachment operations.
- StorageUtils() - Constructor for class tech.muyan.utils.StorageUtils
- task(boolean, Runnable) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
- task(Runnable) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
默认的线程池启动新线程异步执行任务,会包含当前上下文,例如租户信息。 - task(ExecutorService, Runnable) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.AsyncHelper
异步执行任务,会包含当前上下文,例如租户信息。 - tech.muyan.api - package tech.muyan.api
Contains the API-related classes and interfaces for the Muyan Low Code Development platform.
- tech.muyan.api.annotations - package tech.muyan.api.annotations
- tech.muyan.api.query - package tech.muyan.api.query
- tech.muyan.api.websocket - package tech.muyan.api.websocket
- tech.muyan.domain - package tech.muyan.domain
Contains domain-specific classes and logic for the Muyan Low Code Development platform.
- tech.muyan.enums - package tech.muyan.enums
Provides public enumerations used in the Muyan Low Code Development platform.
- tech.muyan.utils - package tech.muyan.utils
Contains utility classes and helper methods for the Muyan Low Code Development platform.
- updateDomain(Object) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.DomainHelper
Update a domain object with the given requestData.
- User - Interface in tech.muyan.domain
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.muyan.enums.DomainObjectRenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.muyan.enums.DomainObjectRenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- WARNING - tech.muyan.enums.MessageSeverity
Warning message severity level
- withNewSession(Closure<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.QueryHelper
Executes a closure within the context of a new database session.
- withSession(Closure<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.QueryHelper
Executes a closure within the context of an existing database session.
- withSql(Function<Sql, T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.QueryHelper
Executes a function that takes a Sql instance as a parameter and returns a result.
- withTransaction(Closure<T>) - Static method in class tech.muyan.utils.QueryHelper
Executes a closure within the context of a transaction using an existing database session.
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