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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AsyncHelper 提供异步任务执行的辅助工具类。BeanContainer Bean container that can be used to get bean instances.DomainClassEntityHelper DomainDataCloneService Service interface for cloning domain data objects.DomainHelper Helper class for domain operations.DomainObjectRenderType DynamicConfigService A service for getting DynamicConfig values.DynamicDomainEntity Domain entity that can be dynamically created.DynamicFunctionService DynamicLogic Dynamic logic that can be invoked.DynamicTemplateAttribute Inject JasperReportService MessageHelper A utility class for handling message-related operations.MessageSeverity Enum representing the severity levels of messages.MuyanPlatformComponent A component that can be loaded and unloaded within the Muyan Low Code Development Platform.MuyanWebSocketComponent Notification Represents a notification in the system.PaginationQueryResult<T> A query result that supports pagination.QueryCondition QueryHelper A utility class that provides methods for executing database queries using Groovy's Sql class.SimpleQuery<T> A simple query class for performing database queries.StorageFieldValue StorageFieldValueService StorageUtils Utility class for attachment operations.User