All files / src/config base.ts

91.89% Statements 102/111
63.63% Branches 14/22
41.66% Functions 5/12
98.07% Lines 102/104

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import { createFromIconfontCN } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { HttpMethod } from '@props/RecordProps';
import { RoleDomainName, StorageFieldValueDomainName } from '@config/domain';
/** 后台地址的后缀(相对于前台地址) */
export const BackendUrlFirstPartSuffix = "-server";
export const ServerUrlLocalStorageKey = "backendUrl";
 * 特殊的前台地址到后台地址的一个关联表
const FRONT_BACK_HOSTNAME_MAPPING: { [key: string]: string } = {
  "localhost:3000": "http://localhost:8080",
  "localhost": "http://localhost:8080",
  "": "",
  "": "",
  "": "",
export const isIPAddress = (input: string): boolean => {
  const ipAddressRegex = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/;
  return ipAddressRegex.test(input);
 * Get default backend url based on frontend url
 * @param frontendHostname frontend url
 * @param suffix backend url suffix related to frontend url
 * @param protocol protocol of the url
 * @param port port of the url
export function getDefaultBackendUrl(
  frontendHostname: string, suffix: string,
  protocol: string, port: string | null
): string {
  if (frontendHostname == null || frontendHostname === '') {
    return '';
  // For local development environment
  // Frontend on 3000, backend on 8080
  const bp = (port === '3000') ? ':8080' : '';
  const firstPart = frontendHostname?.split(".")?.[0];
  const idxOfDot = frontendHostname?.indexOf(".");
  const otherParts = (idxOfDot === -1) ?
    '' : frontendHostname?.substring(idxOfDot);
  return `${protocol ?? 'https'}://${firstPart}${suffix}${otherParts}${bp}`;
 * 获取后台系统的地址,按照如如下的优先级进行获取
 * 1. 从 localStorage 中的 backendUrl 变量
 * 2. 从 FRONT_BACK_HOSTNAME_MAPPING mapping中,使用前台的host查找
export function getServerUrl(): string {
  const backendUrlInLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem(ServerUrlLocalStorageKey);
  Iif (backendUrlInLocalStorage != null) {
    return backendUrlInLocalStorage;
  const { hostname, protocol, port } = window.location;
  // Check if the hostname is an IP address
  Iif (isIPAddress(hostname)) {
    return `${protocol}//${hostname}:8080`;
  // http: | https: -> http | https
  const p = protocol.substring(0, protocol.length - 1);
  const backendUrl = FRONT_BACK_HOSTNAME_MAPPING[hostname];
  const bu = backendUrl == null ?
    getDefaultBackendUrl(hostname, BackendUrlFirstPartSuffix, p, port) : backendUrl;
  return bu;
function getWebSocketUrl(): string {
  return getServerUrl()
    .replace("http://", "ws://")
    .replace("https://", "wss://");
 * 后台系统的地址
export const SERVER_URL = getServerUrl();
/** Websocket 的请求地址 */
export const WEBSOCKET_SERVER_URL = getWebSocketUrl();
 * 全文搜索页面默认显示的 card 数量
export const FullTextSearchDefaultPageSize = 10;
 * 非Popover中的列表页面默认的分页条数
export const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 12;
 * CardList中的列表页面默认的分页条数
 * Popover中的列表页面默认的分页条数
export const DRAWER_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 5;
 * Finder 中的列表页面默认的分页条数
export const FINDER_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10;
 * 在编辑和详情页面中显示的关联对象列表的默认分页条数
export const DETAIL_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10;
 * 触发请求后台的对象搜索框的自动补全的最少输入长度
 * 触发请求后台的对象搜索框的自动补全的最小时间间隔
 * 触发后台背景线程请求后台进行字段校验的最小时间间隔
 * Fields to hide on create page
export const FieldsToHideOnCreatePage = ["id"];
 * Fields to hide on edit page
export const FieldsToHideOnEditPage = [];
 * 台传递到前台的类型中的列表类型
export const ArrayTypes: string[] = [
  "array", "subTable"
export const isRoles = (type: string): boolean => ("roles" === type);
export const isCode = (type: string): boolean => ("code" === type);
export const isRelateObjects = (type: string): boolean => (ArrayTypes.includes(type));
export const isDate = (type: string): boolean => ("date" === type || "datetime" === type);
export const isHttpMethod = (type: string): boolean => ("httpMethod" === type);
export const isCheckbox = (type: string): boolean => ("df_checkbox" === type);
export const isStaticField = (type: string): boolean => ("staticField" === type);
 * For master-detail data, the width of master section when it's been collapse in edit page
export const MasterCollapseWidth = 36;
 * For master-detail data, the width of master section when it's been expanded in edit page
export const MasterExpandWidth = 450;
 * Master detail tree list form master part width
export const MasterDetailListMasterTreeWidth = 300;
 * Master detail simple list form master part width
export const MasterDetailListMasterListWidth = 350;
 * 每次收起或者展开 master 面板,增加或者减少的 px
export const MasterDetailExpandWidth = 50;
 * 基础日期格式。年-月-日 时:分:秒
 * 需要显示具体日期与时间时使用
export const DateTimeFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";
 * 基础日期格式。年-月-日
 * 需要显示具体日期时使用
export const DateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
 * 基础日期格式。时:分:秒
 * 需要显示具体时间时使用
export const TimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss";
/** 系统的主色调 */
export const PrimaryColor = "#696AAD";
/** 默认文字颜色 */
export const TextColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)";
/** 特殊的前台到后台的 type 映射 */
export const SpecialFrontendToBackTypeMapping: { [propName: string]: string } = {
  "roles": RoleDomainName
/** 附件字段的 Domain 类型 */
export const FileFieldType = StorageFieldValueDomainName;
/** Action column 的 key 和 type, 注意不能和后台传递到前台的字段元数据中的 key 重复 */
export const ActionColumnKey = "zz-client-action";
export const CsvTemplateAdditionalComments = [
  ["; Lines begin with ; is treated as comment and will be ignored"],
  ["; Please quote each column within \"\"(one quote at the begining, one quote at the end)"],
  ["; Please escape \"(quote) within data using \"\"(two consecutive quotes)"],
  ["; Please leave column id(*) empty for new record"]
/** Number of lines to preview when import CSV file */
export const NumberOfCsvPreviewLine = 10;
/** Max width of the popover panel width when importing csv */
export const CsvOperateComponentPanelMaxWidth = "750px";
/** Max width of the action execute result panel width */
export const ActionExecuteResultPanelMaxWidth = "750px";
/** 客制化的图标集合,在 创建 */
export const CustomIcon = createFromIconfontCN({
  scriptUrl: [
/** id 列在导出的 CSV 文件中的列头 */
export const IdColumnKeyInCsv = "id(*)";
/** id 列的 key */
export const IdColumnKey = "id";
/** 在 csv 文件中,使用 "NULL" 来表示空值的列类型列表 */
export const UseNULLForNullValueTypes = [
  'staticField', 'string'
] as Array<string>;
/** 前台搜索过滤开始执行的最短字符长度 */
export const FilterMinimalKeywordLength = 3;
/** 前台搜索的最短时间间隔 */
/** 对单个对象启用的 action 的 scope */
/** 对多个对象启用的 action 的 scope */
/** 只对 Domain Level 启用的 action 的 scope */
/** Action 执行完成后 UI 页面跳转的等待时间(秒) */
export const ActionRedirectCountdown = 1;
/** 是否在 debug console 显示所有 API 请求的回应原始值 */
export const LogApiResponseToConsole = false && (['development', 'test'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV));
/** 默认的字符类型的字段直接显示字符数,超过这个长度的字符会显示为 ... 控件 */
export const MaxTextCellDirectDisplayCharLength = 80;
/** Get 请求的缓存时间,单位为秒, 这个时间内的 Get 请求会直接从本地缓存获取 */
export const GetRequestCacheExpirySeconds = 10;
/** 如果有相同的 Get 请求,为了避免向服务器重复发送 API 请求,后面的请求的等待时间 */
export const GetRequestBundleWaitingSeconds = 2;
/** Pending 的 Get 请求列表的缓存 Key */
export const PendingRequestsCacheKey = `${SERVER_URL}_pending_get_requests`;
/** 特殊宽度的 Create 和 Update Modal, 如果 DomainName 满足 key 作为后缀,则使用此处配置的宽度 */
export const SpecialModalWidth: { [propName: string]: string } = {
  "DynamicLogic": "90%",
  "tech_muyan_dynamic_DynamicLogic": "90%",
  "tech_muyan_enterprisewiki_Article": "90%",
  "Feedback": "90%",
  "tech_muyan_feedback_Feedback": "90%",
  "Message": "90%",
  "tech_muyan_message_Message": "90%",
export interface LayoutProps {
  labelCol: { span: number };
  wrapperCol: { span: number };
/** 编辑和创建页面上默认的 Form Layout */
export const DefaultFormLayout: LayoutProps = {
  /* label 的宽度 */
  labelCol: { span: 7 },
  /* 字段的宽度 */
  wrapperCol: { span: 17 },
export const DefaultWidthLayout: LayoutProps = {
  labelCol: { span: 7 },
  wrapperCol: { span: 17 },
export const ActionWidthLayout: LayoutProps = {
  labelCol: { span: 24 },
  wrapperCol: { span: 24 },
export const FormLayoutConfig: { [propName: string]: typeof DefaultWidthLayout } = {
  "Wizard": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "Action": ActionWidthLayout,
/** 特殊的 Form Layout, 如果 DomainName 满足 key 作为后缀,则 Create 和 Edit 界面使用此处配置的 Layout*/
export const SpecialFormLayout: { [propName: string]: typeof DefaultWidthLayout } = {
  "DynamicLogic": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "tech_muyan_dynamic_DynamicLogic": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "Message": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "tech_muyan_message_Message": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "DynamicTheme": DefaultWidthLayout,
  "tech_muyan_dynamic_ui_DynamicTheme": DefaultWidthLayout,
/** TableMode 到页面默认显示条数的 Map */
export const TableModeDefaultPageSizeMapping = {
  "detail-drawer": DRAWER_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
  "table-list": DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
  "simple-list": DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
 * 编辑控件的基础宽度,所有的编辑控件均应该是这个宽度,
 * 所有其他宽度应该以本宽度为基准进行计算,而不应该设置绝对值
export const EditableComponentDefaultWidth = 280;
/** 对象选择控件减去右边的汉堡包菜单图标的宽度 */
export const EditableObjectSelectDefaultWidth = (EditableComponentDefaultWidth - 30);
/** 编辑控件的基础 style, 所有的编辑控件均应该引用该 style */
export const EditableObjectSelectDefaultStyle = { width: `${EditableObjectSelectDefaultWidth}px` };
/** 所有可输入控件的默认 Style */
export const EditableComponentDefaultStyle = { width: `${EditableComponentDefaultWidth}px` };
export const HttpMethods: Array<HttpMethod> = [
/** 默认的上传文件大小限制 */
export const MaxUploadFileSizeInMB = 50;
/** 对于可以上传多个附件的文件字段,可上传的文件个数默认限制 */
export const MaxUploadFileCount = 20;
/** 附件字段总的上传文件大小 */
export const MaxTotalFileSizeInMB = 1000;
/** 左侧菜单宽度, 还需要修改 App.less 中的 @left-menu-width 变量才能保证排版 */
export const LeftMenuWidth = 220;
/** Full Text Search List 页面默认的高亮关键字前后的显示字符个数,默认显示关键字前后格这么多的字符 */
export const SearchKeywordHighlightContextSize = 170 / 2;
/** WebSocket 前后台 Dummy 请求用于 Heroku 上防止连接超时的 Message 内容 */
export const WebSocketDummyMessage = 'Dummy Ping';
/** hasDetailPanel 为 true 但是又想在 drawer 中显示的字段 */
//TODO 直接修改为所有的字段在 drawer 中都显示,但是要在每种字段的
//displayComponent 的实现,中,针对 tableMode 为 detail-drawer 的情况,做特殊处理
export const showInDrawerHasDetailFieldTypes = ['json', 'code', 'markdown', 'array', 'lineChart', 'tableChart'];
export const isDevelopmentEnv = (): boolean => {
  return (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development');
/** different fetch types */
export const ExcludeArrayColumnsFetchType = "exclude_array_columns";
export const OnlyLabelFieldFetchType = "only_label_field";
export const AllColumnsFetchType = "all_columns";
export const IncludeArrayColumnsWithLabel = "include_array_columns_with_label";
/** 分页每页显示条目的选项 */
export const RECORD_PER_PAGE_OPTIONS = isDevelopmentEnv() ? [
  "1", "5", "10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500"
] : [
  "10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500"
export const DndItemTypes = {
  Collapse: 'collapse',
  List: 'list',
  FileItem: 'fileItem',